It ain’t necessarily so. Pah Homestead. Auckland Festival of Photography
Empty Colour. TuiTui Art Space. Auckland Festival of Photography.
Together Alone. Gallery One, Unitec. Auckland Festival of Photography.
Backyard cabbage tree, City night sky grey, Clouds clear, Cold full moon, Shines through. Tuitui Art Space.
Sunday Girl 2020. Corban Estate Arts Centre, Henderson.
2020 Kassel Dummy Award. Photobook Finalist
Beyond the Index. Gallery One, Unitec. Auckland Festival of Photography.
Sunday Girl. Corban Estate Arts Centre, Henderson.
State of Nature. Arthaus, Orakei. Curator.
Over Under. Gallery One, Unitec. Auckland Festival of Photography.
Auxiliary Movement. Silo 6, Auckland. Auckland Festival of Photography Commissioned Artist.
27th Annual Wallace Art Awards 2018. 2nd Runner-up Award.
Face to Face. Arthaus, Orakei. Curated by Claire Ulenberg.
Distrust. Skinroom, Hamilton.
Orbital. Comet Project Space, Ponsonby, Auckland.
The Visibility Paradigm. Gallery One, Unitec. Auckland Festival of Photography.
Photoforum Members Show 2018. Studio 541, Mt Eden, Auckland.
NZ Photobook of the Year Award. Finalist.
Traces: The Part Encodes the Whole. Tacit Gallery, Hamilton.
Elam Grad Show 2017. Elam School of Fine Arts. Group Exhibition.
Tangled up in Blue. Snowwhite Gallery, Unitec. Auckland Festival of Photography.
Glaister Ennor Award. Sanderson Contemporary Art. Finalist.
Simon Devitt Prize for Photography. George Fraser Gallery. Finalist.
En dash. Elam School of Fine Arts. Summer Research Scholars exhibition.
Intextual. Elam Projectspace Gallery, The University of Auckland. Curator.
Elam Grad Show 2016. Elam School of Fine Arts.
Emerging Artists Exhibition. Studio 541, Mt Eden, Auckland.
The Force of Days. Snowwhite Gallery, Unitec. Auckland Festival of Photography. Curator.
Initiates 2016 – New Graduates Show. Lake House Arts Centre.
NZ Photobook of the Year Award. Finalist.
Manifest. Digital Projection, Takutai Square, Auckland Central. Co-Curator.
Type A. Unitec Photography Gradshow.
Here/Now. Corban Estate Arts Centre. Curator.
On-site. Snowwhite Gallery. Unitec.
Eden Arts Art Schools Award. Gus Fisher Gallery. Finalist.
Waters Edge. Silo 7. Wynyard Quarter. Auckland Festival of Photography.
Eden Arts Young Artists Awards. Mt Eden Community centre. Co-curator.
Point/Blank. Snowwhite gallery, Unitec.
Beyond Dust. Jafa Café. Auckland Festival of Photography.